District Council of Enfield Historical Records 1853 - 1935

boundaries of ^'ataia Nortli. situated op])osite tlie T-ass O'Ciowrie (an old hotel at or near Salisbury). It was even tually ag;reed that ^'^lala .South should receive two-thirds of the remainins^- assets, including- a hank credit balance of £86, and h^atala North one-third. The records show that the other assets included a few special constable batons and handcuffs, office furniture, and one road roller. The actual record referring to the roller states that "the miscalled road roller is valued at £5 and will not realise expenses if offered for sa'e by auction." On February 8th, 1869, Yatala North was paid £,I3 5/2 in full settlement of its claim, certainly not a large amount to establish a District Council of the area of "S'atala North (now .Salisburx'). In this, the first vear of the new Council, Mr. C. F. Folland made the new assessment of the district. There were 567 individual assessments, and the annual value was £12,551, and a rate of 6d. in the £ was levied. Records show that only about fiftv per cent, iif the rates levied were col'ected, and the (knmcil suffered serious financial difficul ties. Only the generosity of the Chairman fCr. I. . Sud- holz) saved the Council from great embarrassment, and that was bv his action in placing £70 to the credit of the Council at the South .Australian Fank, when it was entirely without funds and unable to obtain an overdraft. This money was refunded to the C hairman on June 7th, 1869, and the Council shortly afterwards transferred its account to the Hank ol Adelaide on the understanding' that an overdraft could be obtained on the security of the Ciovernment Rate subsidy. Prospect Severed. In .August, 1872, a further large severance was made from the southern jiortion of the district. .A petition was prepared by Air. lames Flarrington praying that this par ticular section be ju'oclaimed a sejiarate district, and a counter petition was lodged bv the C inmcil, Init on .August 1st, 1872, the proclamation of the new District C ouncil of Prospect was made. Air. fames Pitcher, a member of the first District Council of A'atala South was the first District C lerk of Prospect. On November 4th, 1890, under a Supreme Court^Order, 149 allotments were sold for .arrears of rates. 1 he C ouncil, apparently, experienced great difficulty in collecting rates in the north-western jiortion of the district, and many blocks 23