The Compass Vol II No 9 March 1908

IT HURTS US IT HURTS YOU to go round without success hunting for what you could get with pleasure by coming to us direct. P- COCKINGTON, Manufacturing and Importing Stationer, OPPOSITE railway .STATION, ^ PORT ADELAIDE. To be told "We came to 3'ou when we could not get elsewhere what we wanted." IT WILL Pay you t to patronise us. We keep the largest stocks in J Port Adelaide of— POSTCARDS, gd. doz. to gd. each. : t albums, i/- to 10/6 each. * ; PICTURES (Platinotyes), i/- i Purses, 6d. to 25/- f to etch. handbags, LETTE/pt'"''®' R PADS, 6d., ^d.,.A, ,/3 live opes, square and oblong, 6d., to 2/6 per 100