The Compass Vol IV No 2 August 1910

J. McLEAN, Painter, Paperhanger, Grainer, and Decorator, SEMAPHORE ROAD, SEMAPHORE. OBAirriNG ^Maple, Satin, Teak and Rose woods, Italian Walnut, Cedar, Oak, light and dark, American Walnut, and all Marbles, imitated. Hanging and decorating Lignomur Paper, Estimates given for all classes of work. Workmanship guaranteed. Telephone: Port, 270. "As true as the Needle to the Pole." SAWTELL'S COMPASSES and INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION of every.desoription for all purposes. BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, HYDRO METERS, and all SPECIFIC GRAVITY INSTRUMENTS. Repairs and adjustments a speciality. SAWTELL'S (Estab. over 50 years), OPTICIANS, Admiralty Chart Agente,. P'vstt street. Port Adelaide. Port Adelaide Branch School of Design. are held as follows:— MONDAY, 2 to 4.30. Fee 10/ ner term ' SATURDAY, 11 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. Fee 5/ per term. E^^NING-MONDAY and THURSDAY, 7 to 9. fL 10/ per term. hull particulars on application to the master, Mr. CHAS. J. PAVIA. PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE MECHANICAL AND SHOP drawing class. Instructor - mr. W. E. LEASK, A< unr ormerly of the School of Mines, Adelaide. OU SB MEETS at the INSTITUTE EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING at 7.15 to 9.15. 10/ per Quarter, payable in advance. PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE ENGINE BOILER CONSTRUCTION and MANAGEMENT CLASS, instructor - MR. W. E. LEASK, Formerly of the School of Mines^ Adelaide. lectures on this subject EVERY TUESDAY EVENING at 7.45 to 9.45. Fees 10/ per Quarter, payable in advance. Further information may be .obtained at the Library.