Western Adelaide Region Climate Change Adaptation Plan - Stage 1 - page 104

Figure 6.33: Age Care Places
Data Source: Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing via the 2011 Social Health Atlas of Local Governments.
Western Adelaide, in the Social Healh Atlas, is defined as per the State Government boundaries.
6.9.1. Summary
There are proportionally fewer high care places in Western Adelaide, and average rates of low
care aged care places.
Port Adelaide Enfield has a particularly high concentration of high level care places.
6.10. Household Incomes
Figures 6.33 to 6.34
below summarise data regarding household income, with supporting data provided
in Section 1.9 of
Appendix C
At the 2011 Census, weekly household incomes across the Study Area were largely consistent with the
trends across the Greater Adelaide region. This is reflected both in terms of the four key income
categories in Figure 34, as well as in the median household income data, which identifies median income
levels in the region to be similar to, albeit slightly lower than those across Greater Adelaide.
Within the region, however, there are differences in income levels. For example, at a Local Government
level, Charles Sturt is home to higher proportions of households with average household incomes in
excess of $2000 per week than both the region, and Greater Adelaide. Port Adelaide Enfield, on the
other hand, is home to higher proportions of lower income households. These are generalisations across
Local Governments and incomes vary considerably across much smaller geographical areas.
High Level Residential
Care Places
Low Level Residential Care
Community Care Places
Rate per 1000 people aged over 70
Port Adelaide Enfield
Charles Sturt
West Torrens
Western Adelaide
Adelaide Statistical Division
1...,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103 105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,...351
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