Western Adelaide Region Climate Change Adaptation Plan - Stage 1 - page 71

beaches and other natural fringing the coastline. Coastal recession under a high sea level rise
scenario could exceed 80 metres, although planned coastal protection works are expected to
significantly reduce this.
Coastal areas will experience various impacts in relation to groundwater quality, acid sulphate
soils, land subsidence, loss of beach amenity and changes to ecological systems.
The following investigations are recommended for subsequent stages of the WARCCAP project:
A study examining already observed ecological changes should be carried out in detail.
Undertake modelling of beach recession and impacts upon natural and built environs across
the Study Area. This should include an audit of current protection measures.
Further investigation is required to examine potential water quality impacts and risk to beach
users that may result from potential increases in stormwater runoff.
More detailed analysis is required to assess the influence of small-scale landforms and built
infrastructure on ingress and distribution of coastal flood waters and the effect of any coincident
flooding of waterways or storm water drains.
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