P2P Feb - Mar 2015 - page 8

Coping with extreme heat
South Australia can experience long periods of
extreme heat – and during those heatwaves it is easy
to become dehydrated and for the body to become
overheated. If this happens, heat cramps, heat
exhaustion or even heatstroke may develop, which
makes it very important for everyone to know how
best to cope during times of extreme heat.
Plan your day around the heat, stay inside if possible
during the day and minimise physical activity. Wear
loose fitting clothes and drink plenty of water.
During heatwaves it is important to take care of the
more vulnerable people in our community. Older
people especially may be particularly prone to heat
related illness and you should keeping in contact
with and check on elderly neighbours if you can.
The Red Cross Telecross Service arranges daily
welfare calls to people who are at risk. Visit
for more information.
Council’s social programs for older people and
people with disabilities are cancelled on days
when the predicted temperature is 37c or greater,
and participants will be advised of this cancellation
by telephone.
Regular community van collections for direct drop
off to social clubs and shopping centres are also
cancelled, but the community bus services continue.
Our libraries offer a cool place to read and relax and,
depending on opening hours, our four community
centres can also offer a refuge from the heat.
When preparing for days of extreme heat, consider
these additional ideas for keeping cool if there is
loss of power.
• Fill a bath or bowls with cold water in advance
so you can cool down.
• Keep the curtains and blinds drawn.
• Use a battery operated personal fan.
• Fill bottles/jugs of drinking water kept in a cool
dark place.
• Keep medications that need to be refrigerated in
a fridge but wrapped in foil or a heat repellent
container and keep an icepack ready to place
with them if power goes off.
• After a prolonged power outage be careful of
eating food products usually stored in the fridge
or freezer that may have been damaged by loss
of cold storage.
• If the temperature cools in the evening but the
power is still off – if you feel safe to do so - open
up the house to let in the cooler night air.
• If a heat wave is predicted, charge your mobile
phone so if the power goes out and you are
unwell assistance can be called.
Pets can be kept cool by adding ice to water bowls or
by providing a cool sheltered place for rest.
Fact sheets are available on the SA Health website
that include ways to sleep
in the heat and indications that you may be heat
affected. For more information or assistance
accessing the fact sheets, please contact Council’s
Community Services officers on 8405 6804.
Streetscape & Reserve
Spraying program
Spraying for Feb 2015
Streetscape Maintenance
: Regency Park, Ferryden Park,
Dudley Park, Devon Park, Croydon Park, Angle Park,
Woodville Gardens, Birkenhead, Port Adelaide, Exeter,
West Reserves:
Mansfield Park, Woodville
Gardens, Ferryden Park, Angle Park, Croydon Park,
Devon Park, Dudley Park, Wingfield, Kilburn, Regency
Park, Blair Athol, Gepps Cross
South Reserves:
Wingfield, Ottoway, Rosewater, Alberton, Queenstown,
Port Adelaide, Glanville, Ethelton, Semaphore South,
Semaphore, Gillman
Centre Reserves:
Northfield, Northgate, Clearview, Enfield, Gepps Cross,
Sefton Park, Broadview
General Spraying:
Port River Expressway, pump stations, Caltrop control,
Typha clearance, ratepayers’ requests, termite &
insect requests.
Spraying for March 2015
Streetscape Maintenance
: Gepps Cross, Dry Creek,
Wingfield, Angle Park, Mansfield Park, Peterhead,
Largs Bay, Largs North
East Reserves:
Gardens, Manningham, Klemzig, Windsor Gardens,
Dernancourt, Hillcrest, Oakden, Gilles Plains, Valley
View, Walkley Heights, Holden Hill
North Reserves:
North Haven, Outer Harbor, Osborne, Taperoo, Largs
North, Largs Bay, Peterhead, Exeter, Semaphore,
General spraying:
Caltrop control,
ratepayers’ requests, termite & insects.
Local Area Bicycle
Plan Review
Council is reviewing the Strategic Bicycle Plan.
The plan outlines how we will continue to develop
cycling networks and facilities for residents and visitors.
If you would like to read the plan and provide
comments please look at our website
You can provide feedback by emailing
or by calling
8406 6600 and asking to speak to Shaun or Kerry
about the Bike Plan.
Cyclist on St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
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