State of the Environment Report 2012 - page 161

Page 131
Environmental indicators support quantitative reporting that enables more
informed and accurate decision making and policy development.
Climate Change - State & Pressures
Condition indicators
Days per year over 35 degrees (heatwaves)
Trends in tidal and storm surge data on the PAE coast and Port Adelaide
Sea level rise data (Aust Tidal Facility monitoring)
Other relevant meteorological data (including storm intensity, and flood
Pressure indicator
Annual regional greenhouse gas emissions, by sector.
Local Effects
Climate Change has the potential to impact on the earth’s entire natural
resource environment and systems.
In summary, over the period spanning from 1910 to 2007, Australia's average
temperature has increased by 0.8 C. Further projected changes in the Adelaide
region by 2030 and 2070 include:
Increase in annual average temperatures, with some seasonal variations
in the strength of changes. By 2030 the Adelaide region is projected to
warm by 0.6 to 1.3ºC, and for 2070 an increase of 1 to 2.1ºC if emissions
globally are very much reduced by then, or 1.9 to 4.0 degrees if emissions
continue at present levels.
Decreases in average annual rainfalls for the Adelaide region. Exact
projections are difficult for a number of reasons but -5 to -10 % by 2030
and -15 to -30 % by 2070 are estimated by the CSIRO.
Reduction in winter and spring rain, and particularly in autumn rainfall, but
with slightly increased summer rainfall;
No significant change in rainfall
in the Adelaide region, and
rainfall intensity declines possible (This differs from rainfall intensity
changes in other areas such as the tropics). Intensity refers to the amount
of rain that falls during a single event.
The below table presents a number of climate variables such as temperature,
rainfall, evaporation and wind speed for the two different emission level
scenarios B1: low cumulative emission levels, and A1B: Medium cumulative
emission levels.
The global warming scenarios described above are used in the
CSIRO, Climate Change in Australia, Technical Report, City Summaries, 2007.
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