State of the Environment Report 2012 - page 43

Human Settlements
Page 40
which could potentially allow Council to reduce its Corporate GHG emissions by
10% by 2014/15 with the use of renewable technologies.
New Organisation-wide Environmental Objectives and Targets
A new set of Council Organisation-wide Environmental Objectives and Targets
for energy and water use were endorsed in 2012.
The purpose of developing organisation-wide objectives and targets for Port
Adelaide Enfield is to:
Provide clarity and direction to Council programs and investments
Provide a motivational tool for staff by improving on previous years
Allow Council to monitor performance directly against a specific outcome.
Provide a positive public leadership opportunity for the Council.
Energy, GHG emissions and water objectives and targets have been developed
for Council sectors within operational control – they are
Organisation-wide greenhouse gas emissions
Energy (excludes street lighting)
Fleet fuel (vehicles)
Each sector has a long-term objective by 2020, a 4-year short-term objective,
and annual targets set to meet the 4 year short-term objectives. (See table
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